Adding the Kudobuzz app to your Shopify site
This guide is for Shopity stores that are hosted on the Shopify 2.0 versions. In your Shopify dashboard, click on Online Store Then click on Customize Go to Theme Settings at the bottom left of the page Click on APopularHow to find and reposition or remove Kudobuzz widget codes added to your Shopify store
During installation of our Shopify app, our widget codes get automatically added to your store or you may have requested for us to setup our widgets on your store and so we did by adding our widget codes to it. Should you want to remove the widget codes or reposition them, this is how to find the codes. Enter your Shopify Store admin dashboard and from the menu options on the left side click on Online Store. You will now see some options shSome readersRemoving blocks or sections for widgets - Shopify
Please keep reading to remove added widget blocks or sections. Go to Online Store in your dashboard Click on Customize Navigate to which block or section you want deleted. For instance, if I wanted to delete the product widget block, I'd navigate to the producFew readers
WIX setup
How to locate your product ID from your Wix dashboard
For the reviews on your CSV file to be properly assigned to the right products, you need to ensure that you include the proper product IDs in the file. If you have a hard time finding your product ID, this is the way to get it from your Wix dashboard. To get the product ID from Wix, these are the steps to follow: Open your Wix account Open the website editor Open the Content Manager on the left side menu Click on Collections Scroll down until you find the *"Stores"PopularWhy is the Kudobuzz app not installing on my Wix site?
If you're having issues installing the Kudobuzz app on your Wix site, one or both of the following reasons could be the cause: Your site is not published For the Kudobuzz app to install successfully, your Wix site needs to be published and live. If you're yet to publish your site, do so, then delete the app and reinstall it and it should install successfully. 2. You have not provided your email address in your Wix settings area You will need your email added to your BusinessPopularHow to login to your dashboard from your Wix app
If you are a Wix user, it shouldn’t be difficult to login to your Kudobuzz dashboard. Follow the steps below to login to your Kudobuzz dashboard; Step 1: Login to your Wix dashboard Step 2: On the left side of your dashboard, scroll down and select Apps and you will be sent to the Manage Apps page (
Weebly website
Add Kudobuzz Widget as Custom HTML to your Weebly Website
This Embed Code element can be found under Basic section of the Build tab. Drag the element to a page to get started. Once the element is placed, copy the embed Kudobuzz header code and click inside the Embed Code element and select Edit Custom HTML. Then simply paste the code in place. When you click outside of the element, the content should show up on the page.Some readersHow to Install Kudobuzz on Weebly
Click here to create a Kudobuzz account. Check your email for a confirmation email and confirm your account. Proceed to verify your account. After verification, log in to your account and then proceed to fillSome readers
Bigcommerce setup
Collecting Reviews With Kudobuzz (Big commerce)
Social Reviews : Kudobuzz allows Bigcommerce merchants to sync their existing reviews on Facebook, Google maps, Etsy and many other channels. Learn how to connect and sync reviews. Product & Business Reviews : If you are interested in collecting product & business reviews from your customers, set up your After Purchase Email with this guide ( readersDisable BigCommerce's review request email
From your Bigcommerce Dashboard Go to Store Setup › Store Settings Click on the Miscellaneous tab. Next to Product Review Emails, uncheck Product Email Reviews to disable emails.Some readers
Other platforms
How to install the Kudobuzz review widget on Square Space
Installing Kudobuzz Social Reviews on your Square Space website is very simple. Kindly follow the steps below. Click here to create a Kudobuzz account. Check your email for a confirmation email and confirm your account. Proceed to verify your account. After verificatioSome readersHow to Set up the On-Site Widget for Non e-Commerce Platforms
It's important that the on-site widget is set up even if you do not want it visible on your site as all the other widgets require the on-site widget code to be in place in order to work. Head on to and sign up. During the installation/signup process, a code snippet is given to you to place on your site. This code snippet should be placed within your head tag () in the HTML file of all the pages on your sitSome readersHow To Add Our Widget To A Blueprint Theme
Thank you for using Kudobuzz Reviews on Bigcommerce. If your store is using a Stencil Theme, by installing our app on your Bigcommerce store, our main widget code should be automatically setup for you. You should be seeing our onsite widget already showing on your site as a result of this. If your store is using the legacy Blueprint Theme, kindly follow the steps below to add our main widget code. 1-- In your Bigcommerce Admin area, go to Storefront and click on My Themes. (Some readers