Articles on: Moderation

How to convert a review to a product or business review

Occasionally you receive a business review that you would have preferred was assigned to a particular product or vice versa. With converting reviews, you can change a product review to become a business review and you can change a business review to become a product review.


Product review is a review that is attached to one or more products. Product review is mostly about the qualities of a product.

Business review is a review that describes the qualities of a business. In many cases, it’s about the customer service, how fast the shipment was done among other things specific to the business.

Converting a business review to a product review

1-- Login to your dashboard, click on Moderation and select Manage Reviews

2-- Look for the review(s) you want to convert, click on the review so it would appear on the right side of the screen

3-- Select More option

4-- A drop down will appear to convert it to product review.

If your site is on Shopify, Bigcommerce or Wix, type out the name of the product in full, select from the list of products shown to you and click on save button.

If your site is not on Shopify or Wix, paste the full url of the page you want to assign the review to and click on save button.

Your review will now be converted to a product review and will show in widgets designed to show product reviews.

Converting a product review to a business review

1-- Login to your dashboard, click on Moderation and select Manage Reviews

2-- Look for the review(s) you want to convert, click on the product review

3-- Choose More option and click on Convert as Business Review button

Your review will now be converted to a business review and will show in widgets designed to show business reviews.

Updated on: 13/08/2024

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