Articles on: Revised Kudobuzz Dashboard

Learn More about Collect review feature

The Kudobuzz Collect review feature automatically sends review requests to your customers after they purchase from your store, encouraging them to leave a review.
You can customise the email message, theme, button colours, etc to match your brand.

Setting up your After Purchase Mail

To set up your After Purchase Mail, follow the steps below:
From the dashboard, click on Collect from the left menu options.

Click the Settings button

Toggle on the Enabled Purchase Mail feature.
This activates automatic emails requesting reviews after customers purchase from your store.
If you later decide to stop sending review request emails to your customers after their purchases, you can easily disable this feature by toggling the "Enabled Purchase Mail" option off

Set the preferred days (1-30days) before reviews request emails are sent out to customers.

Set Email criteria -Choose between_ After Purchase_ or After Fulfillment.
When you select After Purchase, the day count begins right after the purchase is made.
When you select After Fulfillment, the day count begins only after you have marked the order as fulfilled in your ecommerce platform.

Save your settings to activate. Now, Kudobuzz will automatically send review request emails based on your preferences.

Email Customisation

Choose a Theme by clicking on any of the following : Standard-(default theme), Compact (more condensed layout), Emoji(playful theme with emojis) or Minimalist(simple/clean design)

Set Star Rating Style: Choose a color from the color palette to match your brand

Personalise the colors of the buttons in your emails
Button Color: Select the main color for the buttons.
Button Text Color: Choose the color for the button text.
Border Color: Choose the color for the button borders.
Button Hover Color: Set the color that appears when the button is hovered over

Click Save to apply your customisations and see the updated design of your review request emails.

Open the email Editor to customise your email message content.
You can make use of any of the available variables but make sure to keep the default {{ review_form }} variable intact.
Preview the template to see how it will appear to your customers or Send a Test Email to check out the mail in your inbox. Note: We only allow three (3) test emails per day.

Collect Photo and Videos in your reviews

Through the review request emails, you can collect photos/videos reviews as well. Simply Toggle on/off photo and video reviews from here

Customise text for Review Form, Thank you Page and Comment Reply Email and Emoji review.

Customise/ Translate the review form in the email, thank you page, Comment reply email or Emoji review text to a different language or words to suit your brand tone.

Usually when customers buy products from your store, you’ll want to request reviews from them so you can use the reviews to attract more customers.
The Collect review feature of the Kudobuzz Reviews app automatically sends out emails to your customers after they have made purchases from your store.
You have control over the content of the review request email we send to suit your brand tone and audience, customised to convince your customers to leave a review.

Setting up your After Purchase Mail

To set up your After Purchase Mail, follow the steps below:
From the dashboard, click on Collect from the left menu options.

2.Click on the Settings button

Toggle on the Enabled Purchase Mail feature to allow the app to automatically sends out emails to your customers after they have made purchases from your store.
If you decide at some point that you don’t want review request emails to go out to your customers when they buy from your store, you can disable it by toggling it off.

Control the number of days before reviews request emails are sent out
You can set how many days delay should be considered before email requests go out. You can choose between 1 and 30 days.

Set Email criteria
You can decide what state the order should be in before we start counting the number of days to sending the review request.
When you select After Purchase, the day count begins right after the purchase is made. When you select After Fulfillment, the day count begins only after you have marked the order as fulfilled in your ecommerce platform.

Save your settings to activate.

Email Customisation

Customise the template by chosing your preferred theme, star rating style and button colours. Click on save to save your settings

Then in the Editor customise your emaiL message. You can make use of any of the available variables but make sure to keep the default {{ review_form }} variable intact.

Check out the template message in Preview. Send a test to your email to check out your customised message. You can send three (3) test emails per day.

Collect Photo and Videos in your reviews

Through the review request emails, you can collect photos/videos reviews as well.
Toggle the "Photo and Video Reviews" option to allow or prevent customers from attaching photos or videos to their reviews.

Translate the default text for the following forms and pages to different language or copy that to suits your brand tone.

Review Form: Modify the text in the review form to match your brand's tone and language.
Thank You Page: Customize the message displayed on the thank you page after customers submit their reviews.
Comment Reply Email: Edit the text in the email sent to customers when you reply to their comments.
Emoji Review Text: Modify the text associated with emoji reviews.

Remember to Save settings for all your changes.

Reply to

You can change the email for Reply to by typing the email address in the designated area e or maintain the default reply-to email address.

Updated on: 24/09/2024

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