How to publish/unpublish your reviews in bulk (NEW)
Do you find it cumbersome publishing or unpublishing your reviews one at a time? We admit it can be pretty tiring so here's a solution to get them published faster.
On your dashboard, click on Reviews and you'll be taken to the Moderate tab. If you're already there, follow to the next step.
Select Filter to choose either the published/unpublished reviews based on your needs.
When the Filter opens, choose the option you'd like. It will redirect you to all reviews you filtered out. (You don't need to do this if your the reviews you'd like to work on are easily seen on your dashboard).
When the reviews are filtered, click on the Select All at the top of the page.
This will select ALL the filtered reviews so make sure you are certain you want ALL of them published/unpublished before using this. If not, you may manually select the reviews you'd like to work on.
Click the Publish/Unpublish buttons that will appear at the top of the page to effect the change you want.
On your dashboard, click on Reviews and you'll be taken to the Moderate tab. If you're already there, follow to the next step.
Select Filter to choose either the published/unpublished reviews based on your needs.
When the Filter opens, choose the option you'd like. It will redirect you to all reviews you filtered out. (You don't need to do this if your the reviews you'd like to work on are easily seen on your dashboard).
When the reviews are filtered, click on the Select All at the top of the page.
This will select ALL the filtered reviews so make sure you are certain you want ALL of them published/unpublished before using this. If not, you may manually select the reviews you'd like to work on.
Click the Publish/Unpublish buttons that will appear at the top of the page to effect the change you want.
Updated on: 16/12/2024
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